Thank you all for your prayer and love for the Kerrs.

Every heart you posted on Facebook & Instagram & blogs tagged #loveforthekerrs touched my heart deeply.
To see complete strangers praying around the world
is a such a blessing to that family.
Family & friends are spreading the word to pray
for Shannon & Kyra.
Ria in the Netherlands has posted a heart on her blog
to encourage others to pray.
Bloggers Tammy in Kuwiat,
Sarah in Minnesota, Heather in Tennessee,
& Theresa in Michigan Instagramed.
Stepping Stones Daycare Facebooked their love.
Thanks to everyone who is spreading their story.
~You are multiplying prayers~
They are being prayed for in other states & even countries.
To see complete strangers praying around the world
is a such a blessing to that family.
Family & friends are spreading the word to pray
for Shannon & Kyra.
Ria in the Netherlands has posted a heart on her blog
to encourage others to pray.
Bloggers Tammy in Kuwiat,
Sarah in Minnesota, Heather in Tennessee,
& Theresa in Michigan Instagramed.
Stepping Stones Daycare Facebooked their love.
Thanks to everyone who is spreading their story.
~You are multiplying prayers~
They are being prayed for in other states & even countries.
My friend Mary had her girls make
hearts to pass along to the Kerrs,
like the hearts Kyra's 2nd grade class made.
hearts to pass along to the Kerrs,
like the hearts Kyra's 2nd grade class made.
That got us thinking how amazing it would be to
"shower them with love & prayers"
They know we are praying but how wonderful would it be to show them how many people are praying. Hearts from prayer warriors are a tangible way for them to see the prayers.
While we are rejoicing in progress with Kyra she still needs much healing. It has been 6 days now since the accident & Shannon still has not woken, we are praying that Shannon will begin moving and showing signs of responsiveness.
May God be glorified through it all.
Tomorrow the kids will pray with their Sunday School classes & ask their little prayer warrior friends to color a heart to pass along to them. And tomorrow they are going to take hearts to the neighbors to ask them to pray and sign a heart.
It's so amazing to see kids take action.
Please feel free to join in and round up
prayers & hearts to shower them with.
Any heart.
There's one HERE.
But really the most dearest thing you could do is continue to pray.
Thanks friends.
"shower them with love & prayers"
They know we are praying but how wonderful would it be to show them how many people are praying. Hearts from prayer warriors are a tangible way for them to see the prayers.
While we are rejoicing in progress with Kyra she still needs much healing. It has been 6 days now since the accident & Shannon still has not woken, we are praying that Shannon will begin moving and showing signs of responsiveness.
May God be glorified through it all.
Tomorrow the kids will pray with their Sunday School classes & ask their little prayer warrior friends to color a heart to pass along to them. And tomorrow they are going to take hearts to the neighbors to ask them to pray and sign a heart.
It's so amazing to see kids take action.
Please feel free to join in and round up
prayers & hearts to shower them with.
Any heart.
There's one HERE.
But really the most dearest thing you could do is continue to pray.
Thanks friends.
Thanks for hashtagging #loveforthekerrs it just makes it easier for the family to see the love.
If you round up hearts and prayers it might be nice if the heart was signed and has a town or state name so they can see where love is pouring in from. Can be on front or back.
P.S. Would love hearts from all ages! My kids had never even seen their Dad use crayons before & loved to see their Dad sit down next to them and color a heart. If you would like to mail some hearts you can email & I will happily give you my address and I'll pass them along.