I am sure no one is surprised to see Bo's face here again after you read the title.
Today we were invited over to my Father-in-law's cousin's house. Wonderful woman! Invites the whole family over a few times a year. I was worried about bringing Bo since he is quite the Curious George (to put it nicely....sounds much cuter than monster).
Kelly (hubby) stationed himself downstairs & I was upstairs, that way we wouldn't have to chase Bo all over...we were set. I turned to my SIL & said, "It doesn't really matter how well we try to watch him...Something bad WILL happen today." She laughed.
After half an hour I hear from downstairs, "Does crayon come off of wallpaper?" I was down the stairs in a flash. There was about a 2x2 foot huge scribbling in dark green crayon on her pretty pink wallpaper. No! So after we show Kelly's "Aunt" the wall & she is all sweet about it I ask to see her cleaning supplies. It wasn't looking so good, so I say, "I am going to Target quick" I got magic earsers & KABOOM! I love whoever invented Kaboom & I think Mr. Clean is very hot because it came off! Totally off! But as I walk in the door from Target I hear-"Hope you got a carpet cleaner." He had dumped a cousin's Coke all over her pink carpet!
As we were getting ready to eat his "Aunt" says, make sure you wash Bo's hands really good. Someone put little piles of kitty litter on the table downstairs. But don't worry we had time to change the tablecloth."
After everything was cleaned I watched Bo like a hawk!!!! I stayed an inch away for a LOOOOOOONNNNNGGGG time & then I said, "Honey, I am going to go change Rocco's diaper for the car ride home, we need to go before Bo does anything else. Can you watch Bo?" So I change the diaper & come back & say, "WHERE IS BO?"
Kel went down to look for him. He comes up laughing VERY HARD carrying Bo with soaking wet pants. He was laughing so hard he could barely talk. Turns out Bo was chasing the cat around the laundry room with A FEW jugs of laundry detergent, trying to wash the cat. I am NOT laughing. At all.
I turned & looked at his aunt as we surveyed the damage & I said, "I know this sounds terrible but....would you mind if I took a picture of this for my blog, they will never believe me. She said sure. I should have taken better pics to get the whole damage scene but I felt really bad for asking at all.

We cleaned it up & left right away. I am mailing her a gift card tomorrow.
And of course he vomited on the car ride home.
The cat luckily was fast & did not get a drop of soap on her...poor Sophie.
I had a cute post I was going to do tonight but I just thought I would post this first. :)
Oh No BO! :)
Wow, he's a little pistol! LOL
OMGosh I think Bo and Stunt man are related. HOly moly he knows how to do some damage. Good thing your aunt was so sweet huh? I have been there all too many times with SM. :)
I am still laughing hysterically.
You guys are not allowed at my house until after Christmas.... Don't think I can take my tree falling down more than once a year... Still trying to recover from that one, you had an even worse day than I did.
Thank goodness Sue is very sweet. And I am totally still laughing. Thank goodness the holidays only come a couple times a year. Don't think Sue's house could take any more! Still laughing...
Wow! He is impressive! I have to say, he is quick and good. I am totally not getting after my boys now, he makes them seem innocent!! Luckily, he is totally cute!
And after you got him home, he looked at you and smiled...and you forgave it all. Well, maybe not until morning? That's what you get for paying your sister to practice your piano lessons! You know that song, "God will take care of you"? He has a sense of humor!
Brenda B
LOL! washing the cat... HAHAHAHA! That's so such a cute little monster. hahahahaha! =)
I do Love Bo! He so reminds me of my son #1 45 years ago; I was a new mom, bride and a teacher and I would prove that I could teach my child that is was possible to have kids and still have nice things displayed; needless to say by the time he was 1 yr old, all my all my pretty wedding gifts had been destroyed. Honestly, I had in my mind I could do it but he won.I had 3 other sons but they were not as (curious) as # 1. Good memories one day.
Ah, well, your hubby is not the first to not understand that 'watch' actually means 'watch.' Great kid.
WOW - I was exhausted reading this (LOL) I know you and your hubby burn some calories on this outting! I miss those moments, my kids are 21 and 27. The cat may not have wanted a clean up but my German Shepherd is long over due (LOL) Great photo and frame very nicely too. Thanks for sharing... it took me back to a day when my son smeared peanut butter all over his hair. I think he thought it was hair grease????
Have a Happy week!
Love, peace and blessings!
Well.... tell me - is it true that God gives extra grace to mom's with little boys like Bo? (hee hee)
My goodness, this was hilarious to read, but I'm sure it was exhausting to live.
It will be interesting to watch how God teaches Bo to channel all of that energy and use it for His honor and glory. What will he become?
What a cutie! He certainly keeps you on your toes huh? lol Have a great day!
I think I would have to put him on a leash! I would be petrified he would get hurt....what a curious George!
Blessings, hugs, and prayers,
PS: I am sure you need a nap about now! But you probably want get one til he is grown.
BTW: God has a great since of humor and usually turns kids like Bo into presidents, surgeons, or something awesome.
I just told your story to Dan, his comment was... "She let KELLY watch Bo? Big mistake..."
I am still laughing, every time I stop, I go back to your pictures of the kitty litter so I can start laughing all over again.
oh Libbie! I know it was not funny at the time but i was laughing so hard while reading that!!!
oh Libbie!!! You poor dear! It was pretty funny or the rest of us though :)
I know he's a handful but don't you just love a spunky kid?
Oh No! I'm chuckling just a little. hee, hee. Poor kitty trapped on the dryer.
He he he he oH BO how sweet and innocent you look in that photo. I'm so glad I'm not the only one with a very mischevious little boy.
This one is even funnier now. 😀
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