Monday, October 19, 2009

Mission Accomplished!!!

These are Halloween costumes that my mom made us when we were little.  Luckily I wasn't attempting anything near this difficult!  I mean just look at Big Bird's feet!

Here is the the proof that I did the work.  (I had to post this for my sisters or they would never believe me.)  Once I had my mom's help to get the bobbin thread to come out :)  *very embarassing*  then it went pretty well.  It took about 4 hours. 

Here is Annie's finished Annie costume! 

For Halloween we will spray her hair orange.  I will put up a picture of that when we do it. 

Now I can focus on Bo.  One puppy costume coming up!  It should be interesting! 


MS/AC Fan said...

Wow- She's fully dressed with her (cute little) smile! LOVE IT!

Sara @Osmosis said...

Awesome, and it only took you 4 hours! I haven't sewn a costume since Peter Pan and Capt. Hook. That was probably 6 years ago.